Landing information - LOLK
Coordinates | 48 12 45 N 013 20 42 E |
Elevation | 1378 ft (420 m) |
Radio frequency | Kirchheim Radio: 122,65 (ge, en) |
Runway | 12 (116°) / 30 (296°) |
Dimensions | 743 x 18 m |
Surface | Asphalt |
Tonnage | 5.700 kg |
Admissible for | engine powered planes, gilder, helicopter |
Approach and departure
- Contact KIRCHHEIM RADIO at least 5 minutes before reaching the place. In aerodrome traffic listening watch needs to be maintained.
- If available, indicate GPS distance to ARP when reporting position (e.g. OECEM, final approach runway 30, 1.5 miles)
- NORDO ACFT: approach from North East
- Look out for training flights and gliders
- The traffic circuit is south-west of the runway.
- In traffic circuit a flight level of 2500 ft MSL needs to be maintained
- Flying across the surrounding villages is to be avoided
- When approaching from the north, look out for traffic in the north-east circuit (traffic pattern for gliders)
16.01.2025, 02:34 UTC
Wind: | 260°, 0 ktn |
Temperature: | 0 °C |
Dewpoint: | -15 °C |
QNH: | 1033 hPa |
Opening hours
March - October
Mon - Sat: 10.00am - SS
Sun & Holidays: 09.00am - SS
November - February
Traffic circuits
To be coordinated with KIRCHHEIM,
but not after 20:00 LT.
Approach chart
Contact tower
Tel: +43 (7755) 64 14
Fax: +43 (7755) 64 14 4
Contact flight operations officer
Josef Maringer
+43 (650) 4204679